Rabu, 16 Januari 2008


My score is still 8!! but It is still good!! But the good thing is,, I have do my best today and yesterday's homework is kind a tricky but I can do it!! I GET 7/7 !!!! I'm so happy!! I was so exited!!! Today I change my club into batminton! And I think after joining this club I think I become more better that before! And I think that is only my expirience !

2 komentar:

Hendro mengatakan...

Hi! Irene,
how are you doing? I am glad that you are fine and wow! what a gorgeous journal you have but I think you should make your punctuation less like the exclamation mark so, I will go back next time, see yah!

Cassandra Stephanie mengatakan...

Hy! Irene,
How r u? I've saw your journal and I will comment you something, Well, I think you writing it, more little and you sometimes make it long maybe for me , I think it's because you enjoyed that Subject so you can write long and really sumarizing it, I can see that you are always doing your Journal and I'm glad too, to be friends with you!, Well, I wish you could also write about your life and about the things maybe that make you enjoy something! so I wish you have a good holiday and weekends !

See Ya!